I found this video online. It's so funny. And the discussion about this video is funny too.
And this one (very, very funny!) :
They talked about the Chinese people's English names. We always want a name that is "special", but it happens that people get a terrible name when they select an English name. My nieces are called "Eunice" and "Bernice", which are "special" names. However, when my ABC cousin heard about that, she asked us to change the names for them. She believed that one day they come (back) to the US, they'll be laughed by their American friends because Eunice and Bernice are not only wierd, but only named in Grand-grandma's age.
Read the discussion after you see the video. And you'll know how important it is to choose a "normal" and "common" English name.
Have fun!
(用中文解釋: 有些我們自認為很好聽, 很特別的英文名字, 在英語系國家的人耳裡聽來, 就好比是我們的 "如花", "秋香", "阿珠". 所以, 與其挑個特別的英文名字, 不如用自己的中文名字的拼音來代表自己, 或著取個常見的英文名. 也別嘗試用些名牌來當作自己的名字, 想想看若有個老外說他的中文名字叫做 "鼎泰豐" "味全", 不是跟我們取個 "Gucci" "Levis" 一樣蠢? )