Congrats! Natalie!
(以下紀錄台北時間2月28日上午在家中看第83屆Acadamy Awards 的即時實況Facebook碎碎念)
[Red Carpet] | |
9:00AM | I am watching 83rd Acadamy Awards.... Red Carpet. Natalie Portman looks gorgeous. |
9:05AM | James Franco's hair looks... tidy. XD |
9:06AM | Justin Timberlake, hello~~ I hope i can see him without his facial hair. XD |
9:08AM | Sandra Bullock wears red... ok she looks fine in red. but walking the red carpet in red? |
9:14AM | Nicole kidman!! BEAUTIFUL!! But i don't like here hair band... 好像是為了跟她老公的亂髮搭一樣. 跟她的華服不搭. |
9:15AM | Gwyneth Paltrow ... 1. 老了. 2. 胸部好小. 3. 還是個美女啦. |
9:18AM | Anne Hathaway i like her RED gown too. She'll host the show tonight. Let's wait and see. |
9:22AM | 看到 Nicole Kidman 的感想: 我好長一段時間都覺得她好美好美好美, 不過有一陣子她的玻尿酸還是肉毒桿菌作的太努力了, 臉上都沒表情了. 今天看起來自然多了. 應該是半年前去打的, 據說施打後的半年最自然? |
9:24AM | Hugh Jackman... uh? Is it Hugh Jackman?? Please have more hair and facial hair... you look tooo clean. I love you with facial hair, body hair, and hair everywhere. |
(Pheoebe, Annie, and Ai-Ting Agreed) | |
[Oscar Art Direction] | |
9:44AM | Alice in Wonderland!!! YEAH!!!! I LOVE THIS MOVIE!! |
[Oscar Best Cinematography] | |
9:47AM | 我希望是Inception... Yeah It's Inception!! |
9:48AM | 我已經壓二中二了~~~拍手!! |
[Oscar What?] | |
9:53AM | ... 我喜歡 Anne Hathaway 的禮服。超氣派。 |
[Oscar Best Supporting Actress] | |
9:55AM | 我喜歡 helena bonham carter. 不過我還沒看過她演的The King's Speech. 誰會得獎? |
9:56AM | 我只看過 Hailee Steinfeld 的 True Grit. 但我不覺得她會得獎. |
9:57AM | Kirk Douglas 講太多話了, 雖然他很好笑 |
9:59AM | The winner is Melissa Leo for The Fighter... 我不愛看拳擊電影. 好, 可以略過. |
[Oscar Best Animated Short Film] | |
10:03AM | 我只看過 Day & Night. |
10:03AM | The winner is "The Lost Thing". |
10:04AM | uh? |
[Oscar Best Animated Feature Film] | |
10:05AM | 那還用說, 我壓Toy Story 3. |
10:06AM | and the Oscar goes to.......... |
10:06AM | YEAH!!!!! Toy Story 3!!! Congrats!!! |
10:07AM | Of course it deserves an Oscar! It's one of the best films ever made! |
[Oscar 廣告時間] | |
10:10AM | 有幾個人像我一樣, 假日早上7點半起床, 坐在電視機前面等Oscar啊!? 連記者都沒那麼認真了. |
[Oscar Best Adapted Screenplay] | |
10:17AM | Social Networik... 我沒看, 不過我會看的. |
[Oscar Best Orignal Script] | |
10:17AM | 我希望是Inception... |
10:18AM | ....The King Speech 好吧... 唉油~~~ 我還沒看. |
10:19AM | OH it's Original Screenplay, not "script" |
10:19AM | script is too unofficial. |
[Oscar 廣告時間] | |
10:23AM | 台灣片商真的很賤. 奧斯卡的電影美國都下片了現在台灣還沒上映. 不要臉. 圖利了盜版業者. 白癡. 看盜版的也很XXX. |
Chung-Hui: 因為片商在等著奧斯卡鍍金做宣傳啊 | |
Me: 我知道啊, 所以很賤. 好電影需要奧斯卡家持嗎? | |
Me: (OK. 錦上添花啦.) | |
[Oscar 串場] | |
10:26AM | ok Anne 唱的普通不過很可愛. |
[Oscar Best Foreign Language Film] | |
10:29AM | 不在乎誰拿. 不過剛那個誰, 演女王的 (Helen Mirren), 衣服好美又優雅又氣派. |
[Oscar Best Actor in Supporting Role] | |
10:31AM | 這幾部電影我都沒看過... 哼... 不過我不喜歡Christian Bale. 我喜歡Geoffrey Rush. 我希望是 Geoffrey Rush. |
(May Agreed) | |
10:32AM | XXX!! 被這個衰臉的Christian Bale拿走了... |
10:33AM | ok 今天他看起來不太衰. 因為留了落腮鬍... 但我覺得他的鬍子不妨跟頭髮同色系吧. 全身黑的頭髮黑的鬍子是棕色的好怪異. |
10:34AM | 或著把頭髮染成棕色的吧. 紅毛怪... 真的我不喜歡 Christian Bale. 鼻子那麼尖. 壞人樣. |
Tilla: 我喜歡Christian Bale~從他演“太陽帝國“時,還是童星時開始! | |
Me: 他喔... 給我一種沒吃飽的感覺. (歹勢) | |
Tilla: 怪他出道那部片就是個大苦情片~慘ㄚ | |
Tilla: 那苦情王子今天造型真詭異~黑髮+紅烙腮鬍~ | |
Me: 對不對!?! 紅鬍子太詭異了 | |
Tilla: 有譁到眾,卻沒取到寵。。。。。這才符何苦情王子的FU | |
[Oscar Best Orignal Score] | |
10:43AM | Nicole Kidman and Hugh Jackman 都是好看的不得了的人. 但兩個人今天站在一起卻不怎麼好看哩. 唉. OMG!!!!!! STAR WARS!!! They're playing the best scores in the previous awards!! So... what awards are Nicole and Hugh going to present? Of course it's Best Orignal Score... 我喜歡Inception... 非常喜歡. 拜託讓他得獎吧. Hans Zimmer的音樂是最棒的. 但127HOURS也很棒. 我愛! |
10:43AM | and the winner goes to... |
10:44AM | SOCIAL Network................ Again, I haven't seen this movie yet!!! :-( |
[Oscar Best Sound Mixing] | |
10:47AM | 蝦米? SALT也有入圍喔 爛片呢... and.. the winner is INCEPTION!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!! |
10:48AM | 不過我更希望它能拿Best Score... 人家好喜歡Hans Zimmer 的音樂. 超有fu. 讓人聽一秒就陷入inception的夢境. |
Tilla: SALT=爛片,沒錯! | |
Me: ... (肉麻對話 with Tilla) | |
[Oscar Best Sound Editing] | |
10:49AM | 仍然我希望是 Inception. 因為真的棒棒棒. |
10:49AM | and the oscar goes to.... INCEPTION!!! |
10:50AM | YEAH~~~~ Inception has won 3 Awards so far. Keep on going!! Inception rocks! |
[Oscar What?] | |
10:55AM | Merisa Tomei 我最喜歡她講話的聲音. |
[Oscar Best Acheivement in Makeup] | |
10:58AM | uh...I don't care about this Award. but Kate Blanchett... excuse me, what is she wearing? ...a sun flower... a coral ... Alright, she is Kate Blanchett. She looks great in whatever dress. XD I love her! |
11:02AM | and the winner is "The wolfman"... uh? |
11:02AM | as Kate said, gross. XD |
Chung-Hui: Yes, whatever she wears, she is elegant! | |
Me: Exactly! | |
[Oscar Best Costume Design] | |
10:59AM | Alice in Wonderland!!! Congrats!!! YEAH!!!! |
11:00AM | 我最喜歡紅心女王的服裝! 超~~~有特色的! |
11:00AM | Off their heads!! XD |
[Oscar Best Original Sound] | |
11:06AM | The presenter is Kavin Spacey. I like this man/gay. Completely talented. Oh I like Randy Newman's "We Belong Together" of Toy Story 3... |
11:07AM | Mandy Moore 還是很可愛, 不過她唱歌的表情有點猙獰... |
[Oscar Best Short Documentary] | |
11:13AM | 又是一個我不在乎的獎.... Amy Adams.. 我喜歡她演的Enchanted. 演得真好. |
11:14AM | 她的深藍色禮服有點boring. 不過倒是滿是合這個嚴肅的獎項. |
[Oscar Best Live Action Short Film] | |
11:15AM | ...what is this? |
Annie: and that hair???!! XD | |
(Me agreed) | |
11:17AM | who's this Luke Matheny guy? he looks funny. and he talks funny. "I love my life. blahblahblah... dreams come true". I like the ending. |
[Oscar What?] | |
11:18AM | HAHAHA!!! Ron and Hermione are singing!! along with Woody in Toy Story 3!! XD |
Annie: doesn't he own a shirt?? doesn't he own a shirt? he's too sexy for a shirt... | |
Me: hahaha!! That part is hilarious!! | |
Ai-Ting: very funny! | |
[Oscar Best Visual Effect ] | |
11:32AM | Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law... :-) 我喜歡福爾摩斯. 這兩個人好搭~ 雖然有點腐... 不過我喜歡. |
11:33AM | 好了, 這個獎, 不是Inception就是 Alice in Wonderland. 不用講了. |
11:33AM | INCEPTION!!! YEAH!!! Congrats!!! |
11:34AM | (感嘆.. 唉inception沒拿最佳電影原著音樂. 可惜. 他的音樂真的很棒哪.) |
[Oscar Best Film Editing] | |
11:35AM | 這是最難猜的一個獎. 因為都很棒. |
11:37AM | Social Network! Alright. It has won 3 awards so far. A Must-See-But-I-Missed. |
11:38AM | 然後我很好奇的是, 為什麼 IMDb把社群網站的電影名稱寫成漢語拼音的 "Shequnwang zhan"???? 被hack了嗎? |
[Oscar What?] | |
11:42AM | Jeniffer Hudson 真的瘦好多... 有沒有瘦50公斤啊... 現在簡直就是另一個人了. 瘦了好. 瘦了好. |
11:43AM | Anne Hathaway 換了幾件了? 加上紅地毯的, 應該有5件了吧? 他真是艷麗又可愛 (這兩種特質很難並存的). |
11:45AM | 甚麼? Gwyneth Paltrow 會唱歌咧! 還唱的不錯呢. |
Annie: she wasn't BAD. but i wouldn't call her a 'country singer'.... | |
Chung-Hui: 我還以為我看錯了,真的是她, 妝好淡... | |
11:50AM | 我是覺得她唱得還滿有country 的感覺啦. 但絕對不是country singer. |
11:51AM | 她這幾年都沒有甚麼突破, 換換路子多嚐試嚐試也好. |
11:52AM | 雖然她演花瓶角色 (Pepper Potts in Iron Man) 我滿喜歡的... |
Annie: oh i like her as an actress... but just think that's too easy...she played some country singer in one movie and now she's a country singer... | |
Me: :D Hahaha. I know what you mean. It'll be long way to go if she wants to be a real counrty singer. She is not there yet. | |
[Best Original Song] | |
11:47AM | ... 誰贏都可以啦. And "We Belong Together" of Toy Story 3 won! Great! |
[Oscar What?] | |
11:55AM | 現在在回顧2010年過逝的老電影人... Leslie Nielsen 是比較熟悉的. 嗯. R.I.P. |
[Oscar Best Acheivement in Directing] | |
12:04PM | .... Tom Hopper for The King's Speech. 終於這部戲贏了一個像樣點的獎了. 12項入圍耶. 拍手拍手! |
[Oscar What?] | |
12:12PM | James Franco 很可愛, 可是他講話老是愛看旁邊. 沒禮貌喔~ |
Tilla: 是少了些憂鬱,又長高了點的 James Dean~ | |
Me: 真的! 我也覺得他很像 James Dean!! | |
[Oscar Best Actress in a Leading Role] | |
12:15PM | 大概也不用說了. Natalie Portman 一路地方影展贏到金球再贏到BAFTA, Oscar的小金人豈有不入她手之理由? |
12:16PM | of course it's Natalie Portman!! YEAH!! Queen Amidala!! |
Annie: YES! Natalie!! | |
Me: YES! Natalie!! (who else?) | |
(Annie Agreed) | |
12:18PM | 為什麼會有這麼漂亮個孕婦啊... |
(Annie agreed) | |
12:19PM | 我很喜歡她的流蘇耳環, 不過她的耳環似乎重了點. 拉到她的耳垂變形... |
[Oscar Best Actor in a Leading Role] | |
12:23PM | 這我也猜不出來. James Franco演得很好, 但電影題材本身不是討好的奧斯卡電影. Colin Firth拿獎希望很大, 因為King's Speech讓他表現的空間很大. (光看預告的揣測)... 但是美國人會讓影帝給英國人拿嗎? 自私的美國人... 嗯. |
12:24PM | 社群網站的那個不可能. True Grit (真實的勇氣) 的老頭子 Jeff Bridget... 奧斯卡敬老尊賢的精神發作的話, 會讓他拿獎. 雖然他演的很好. |
Tilla: 支持king's speech~ | |
12:25PM | and the oscar goes to.... Colin Firth! 看吧! |
12:25PM | 給Colin Firth拍拍手後, 也給我拍拍手. 我好會猜. |
(Tilla and Chung-Hui Agreed) | |
Jobina: Yes! Yes! Yes! Americans are not selfish. :p | |
(Me Agreed) | |
Tilla: 啪啪啪啪~ | |
Angela: ok. Americans are not selfish. XD | |
(Annie Agreed) | |
Tilla: OK~ Americans are not selfish this time XD | |
(Me Agreed) | |
[Oscar Best Motion Picture] | |
12:34PM | Steven Spielberg 來頒獎. 出場音樂是 John Williams 的Jurassic Park... 好音樂可以活20年. 不過難道這20年內沒有史匹柏的其他代表電影與音樂了嗎? |
12:35PM | 我投給The King's Speech |
12:35PM | 雖然去年我個人最愛的是toy story 3 and Inception. |
12:36PM | OK. 我又壓中了. 給我拍拍手吧. |
12:37PM | 為什麼我會投票給這部在台灣還沒上映, 我卻還沒看過的電影!?! 其他好歹我也看了 inceptiong, toy story 3, and the true grit了啊... |
12:37PM | 因為我知道奧斯卡評審的喜好啦. |
[Oscar The End] | |
12:39PM | 謝謝各位的收看. 謝謝各位陪我收看. 中午了, 我要吃飯了. 好餓. 昨晚沒吃, 今早吃不多, 再餓下去會跟Jeniffer Hudson一樣瘦. 所以我去吃飯啦. |
(Phoebe, May, Tilla, Annie Agreed) | |
12:39PM | oh they're singing Somewhere Over the Rainbow from The Wizard of the Oz!!!! I love this song! |